Photo Editing for Real Estate Photographer and Videographer

Quality photo editing generates impeccable digital catalogs, enhancing brand value

Project Overview

Business Needs

The company wanted to implement real estate photo editing and retouching for post-processing property images captured by its 20+ photographers. It wanted to engage with a real estate photo retouching partner to resolve imperfections in the raw images.

The Challenges

  • Enormity of volumes of photos to be edited coupled with design work flow restrictions posed time constraints for image editors.
  • Criteria based selection of only eight images from several images per property, created navigation constraints.
  • The signature style of each photographer had to be kept intact.
  • 3000+ images had to be delivered daily, adhering to 12-hour cycle, while identifying “not to be edited” images.

Solutions and Results

Want to streamline property photo editing & retouching?

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We implemented Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, and our automated editing workflow took the image through a robust QA. Here is how our solution worked.

  • Using rules-driven workflow, we facilitated bulk reception of images in various formats.
  • We leveraged bots to used multi-layer classification. First we classified images as residential, commercial etc. and further segregated them into architectural and interior segments.
  • Images were assigned based on image complexity and editor expertise.
  • Editors studied the degree of editing required and considered all parameters before starting editing.
  • Our dedicated QA team used multi-layered checks to qualify post-processed images to be sent to the client.
  • Alerts/notifications for unedited/inadequately edited images were generated using ML algorithms.
  • The final real estate images, in line with the catalog requirements, were automatically uploaded to client FTP in JPEG form.

Business Impact

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